Saturday 7 March 2009

Eric - The Ute

This is Eric.
He's 21 years old.
The door handles don't work. For the driver's door to open you reach inside and pull on a wire that's sticking out of the door.
He's three different shades of yellow.
I even told my boss that if she wants to sell him, I'll pay for the container to bring him to England.
I now understand the bond between a person and their first car.


The Mole said...

Great chatting to you today in real time.

Love you loads though now know that you have become in love with Eric....

When is the wedding?

Rice said...

Was it named after me?!

Nic said...

I can only assume that 'poo' is Eric/Lane there. No, Eric - The Ute was not named after you. But he's an Eric - what can I say? It's like my iPod is a James :D

SAM said...

Yeah, that sure is ermmm...a beast of a car.